Turbidity Sensor 4112

The Turbidity sensor 4112 is based on the Seapoint Turbidity Meter. The sensor detects light scattered by particles suspended in water.

This measurement is known to have a good correlation to the amount of suspended matter in water and can be used to monitor e.g. sediment, algae or particle pollution. The sensor generats an output voltage proportional to the turbidity or suspended solids.

The low power consumption makes it ideal for applications where battery drain is a concern.

The sensor offset voltage is within 1 mV of zero and requires no adjustment across gains.

The unique optical design confines the sensing volume to within 5 cm of the sensor allowing near-bottom measurements and minimizing errant reflections in restricted spaces.

Turbidity sensor 4112 can be mounted directly on the top-end plate of the AADI SEAGUARD® Platform; the sensor output is analog, and output from SEAGUARD® Platform is in engineering units (FTU).


Aanderaa Data Instruments Inc.
Aanderaa Data Instruments Inc.

P.O.Box 34 Slåtthaug
N-5851 Bergen

+47 55 60 48 00

+47 55 60 48 01


Technical specifications

Turbidity range
Light source wavelength
Depth rating
Power supply
Max. power consumption
Internal memory
Weight in air
Weight in water

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