Model 1090ES

The 1090ES is a modification of the Model 1090E. An external connector has been added to control an external instrument pack by opening and closing a set of relay contacts. The relay contacts are controlled by an acoustic signal, transmitted from a Model 1100E/1100ES. An ON code closes the relay contacts, and is the first two frequency codes of the Rearm code. An OFF code opens the relay contacts, and is the first two frequency codes of the Release code. The 1090ES can read a one bit status signal through the connector and transmit that status as an acoustic signal.


InterOcean Systems, Inc.
InterOcean Systems, Inc.

4241 Ponderosa Avenue, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92123-6501

+1 (858) 565-8400

+1 (858) 268-9695

Technical specifications

Release load
Safe working load
Max. load
Depth rating
Frequency range
Battery life
Weight in air
Weight in water

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